Have you ever thought about marriage counseling and wondered if coaching might be a better option? Let’s explore the difference between counseling vs coaching.
In today’s world, many things have changed since our parents’ and grandparents’ generations. Relationships have taken on new dynamics. Many of the characteristics that define a good marriage have remained the same, but as the world changed, so did our view of relationships. Many things (economic changes, feminism, and educational opportunities for women, among other factors) have had an impact on relationships, causing new challenges and obstacles.
One social observer stated, “Society has gone from being stable and mostly predictable to being fast-paced, impersonal, and constantly evolving.” In modern society’s new normal, life coaching can provide you guidance and support, as well as keep you focused on desired outcomes.
For your relationship, coaching can be a way for you to stay afloat and keep routines in place. A coach can be weekly or daily support to ensure the stability and longevity of a meaningful relationship and can also improve on what is already in place. Counseling is also helpful in certain circumstances, and it is wise to note the differences between the two approaches. The right approach can ensure that you get the specific type of help you need.
Have a look at some of the differences to see what sort of professional support might be best for your individual needs.
Focuses on setting and achieving goals in the present and future.
Does not involve a mental health diagnosis.
Coaching helps people who want to function at a higher level with either career or personal goals.
Clients see the coach as a partner to support their growth and efforts to create a better life.
Coaches can be free and open about seeking clients and discussing their services.
Coaching is not covered by insurance.
Coaches often work online or by phone for ease of time management.
Confidentiality is not protected by law.
Therapists and other helping professionals often become outstanding life coaches.
Focuses on both the past and the present.
Therapy can help heal wounds from the past, and the counselor assumes that the client has a problem that needs solving.
The therapist is seen as a resource for fixing or eliminating this problem.
Clients see the therapist as an expert.
Counseling treats a mental health or substance abuse problem (which includes everything from severe issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder to minor, short-term issues such as adjustment disorders).
Therapy is more problem-oriented and solution-focused than life coaching.
Therapy is generally covered by insurance and health savings accounts.
Providers are licensed and regulated by the state.
Confidentiality (with certain limitations) is protected by law.
Therapists are limited in the ways they can locate clients and how readily they can approach others about their services.
Coaching can be seen as a shift toward more people wanting to live their lives in a purposeful way. It can be viewed as moving away from a model of pathology to one of health and possibility. It elicits the clients’ unique abilities and helps them achieve higher excellence in living a fulfilled life. Relationships can become more satisfying, and there is a goal to live life to the fullest.
Whether your relationship requires counseling or coaching getting help to keep your relationship strong and healthy may be the difference between working out your issues or giving up on what could be a great relationship.
Click the link if you would like to learn more about how I may be able to help support you in your relationship. https://barbarajpeters.com/relationship-coaching/