Romance: Expectations Vs Reality
Five Ways to Create a Romantic Mindset So, you got married and then what? Did you expect it to be much like it was when you were dating and or engaged? Maybe you were hoping that the person you fell … Read More
Five Ways to Create a Romantic Mindset So, you got married and then what? Did you expect it to be much like it was when you were dating and or engaged? Maybe you were hoping that the person you fell … Read More
It’s easy to get into an argument. All it takes is an impulsive outburst. But how easy is it to get out of this mess? Before you know it, you can find yourself in a heated disagreement. Hurtful words can … Read More
Five Reasons to Stay in A Relationship (And Five Reasons to Leave) It’s difficult to decide to leave a relationship. So many factors get in the way of making a decision, and many of those aspects may not even be … Read More
Stepparent advice to help make your blended family less stressful and create a more positive outcome. In an article written by Alesha Thomas, contributing writer for Business Innovators Magazine, she states, “According to the American Psychological Association, 40%–50% of … Read More
Life is busy and filled with many to-do lists for the people around us. How is it that we often get caught up in accentuating the negative and ignoring the positive things that our spouses or significant others do for … Read More
Is your communication with your partner contributing to a stronger relationship? A client of mine recently sent me the following message: “It was good talking to you today! I don’t know how long I have been seeing you, but each time I … Read More